Temple Methodist Church, Fore Street, Budleigh Salterton, Devon, EX9 6NG
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Welcome to Temple Methodist Church in Budleigh Salterton, Devon. Methodist worship has been held on this site since 1812 - you can read all about our heritage by clicking the Church History link.
Temple Methodist Church has a thriving congregation with around 100 members and our buildings are used by a large variety of groups throughout the week. One feature of our Worship that we are very proud of is our Youth Outreach. We have a group of young people between the ages of 4 and 14.
We are a part of the Exeter Coast and Country Methodist Circuit which consists of 21 Churches in an area of just over 50 miles east to west and 25 miles north to south. Our extremities are Axminster in the east to Whiddon Down on the edge of Dartmoor in the west, and Cheriton Fitzpaine in the north to us at Temple in the south, and include 4 churches in the City of Exeter.
Temple is a part of the Budleigh Churches Partnership and we are a host venue for various festivals, including the renowned Budleigh Salterton Music Festival held annually in July and the Budleigh Salterton Literary Festival held in September. We also provide a venue for a variety of concert-type events throughout the year.
Church services are held at 10.30am every Sunday and at 6.30pm on the first Sunday of each month, with the Sacrament of Holy Communion usually held on the first Sunday morning.
The church welcomes visitors. Our doors are open every day between 9:15am and 5pm later in 2021. You will find a warm welcome here whether you have been worshiping with us for many years or you are new to the area.
In our New Vision Statement (June 2024) is:
As Christs disciples we celebrate and share Gods love by being a living example in the world.
If you would like a visit from a church member, or you know anyone who would welcome a visit, please contact our Minister or any of our Stewards. Alternatively, complete the Welcome Card you will find in the back of the pew chairs.
If you would like further information about Methodism please click here: www.methodist.org.uk/