Diary Dates

Starting on Saturday 1st March 2025 at 10:30am.  Rev Dr Simon Leigh will be running a short Pastoral Care Course.  Although pointed towards Pastoral Visitors, anyone is welcome to come.  Please ring him if you wish to attend, or for more information, on 01392 207785 or email simon.leigh@swpmethodist.org.uk

Temple Men's Fellowship meetings:

Tuesday 25th February Rev Ian Pusey This shouldn't happen to a Curate

Tuesday 25th March Martyn Web Glastonbury Festival

Tuesday 29th April Cor van der Wijngaard Organ Recital in Church OPEN TO ALL 

Network Fellowship meetings:

Wednesday 19th February Sophie Lemon - Leprosy Mission

Wednesday 19th March Margaret Cole

Wednesday16th April Cor Van der Winjngaard - Organ Concert

Wednesday21st May Mandy Lovelock